Is Water an Element or Compound
Water is considered a compound because it is made up of more than one. Water is a substance. Different Between Elements Compounds And Mixtures With Example Of Hydrogen Element Wate Compounds And Mixtures Elements Compounds And Mixtures Hydrogen Element Ordinary drinking water out of your kitchen tap is a little bit more than a combination of. . Tap water is mostly water H2O which is a compound but it contains dissolved gases N2 and O2 and various dissolved mineral salts. Because it only contains the one type of particle ie. Water itself is a compound. An element is found in a periodic table unlike compounds and mixtures. H2O aka water is a COMPOUND because water has 2 different molecules which are chemically bonded. An element is found in a periodic table unlike compounds and mixtures. What is the difference between a compound. The chemical reaction between the elements hydrogen and oxygen molecules forms ...